What problems do you come across in your school or life?

In my first school I had a problem with my teacher. I’m not sure when that was, but the solution was found a few years later. It was the last break after my last lesson, I was just standing in the line,when other little evils was running around. When the teacher saw me ,she approached me and slaped me,and shouted at me,without any reason. In low grades I was too shy , and wasn’t rude to the teachers ,and always hide my opinion and feelings. When I came home ,my mom saw some red spots on my face. I told her everything,but unfortunely we couldn’t do anything. After that incident I didn’t hate her that much,but now when I remember her , I can only see a cunning fox ,who tought my old class with her maximum 6th grade abilities in math before their release. I left that class in the 6th grade when me and some classes were going to the theatre , when I saw that few kids took their tablets, i wanted too, but my mom disagreed with my idea,and when the bus was supposed to leave , that wily teacher told me and my mom to leave,because we argued with her, and showed nocare about her pupils . My mom decided to transfer me to another school . I was happy that I would never see her again. After my leaving the headmaster forbade her being the classmaster for a year.

Of course my second school was not the best, but those people let me socialy grow a little.

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«Մխիթար Սեբաստացի» կրթահամալիր


Մխիթար Սեբաստացի կրթահամալիր

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